Google Chrome v57.0.2987.133 Offline Installer Free Download

April 04, 2017
Download Google Chrome Offline installer free, Version 57.0.2987.133, latest update, Terbaru, the world's browser and continue to compete with other browsers deals. Google your investment has a top speed of Google Chrome browser, a powerful JavaScript engine as well as a review called WEBKIT makes this speed is good. are to be placed.

Privacy :
Another feature of this browser is that users can surf the Web safely and in the end have the option to delete cookies and saved pages last action.

system. Ability to auto-update to apply security factor is higher in chromium.

Personalization :
After the first few months of release Chromium, the open source software code was published and was available to programmers.

The last word :
Google Chrome has revolutionized surfing. Google's endless devotion improve quickly view sites, security and stability with perfect update to Google literally has become the best browser.

Characteristics of software Google Chrome:
  • Climbing speed in loading pages
  • Web browsing in Incognito mode
  • Sync with Google account settings and user data
  • Access and easy management Bookmark the
  • Ability Do Not Track
  • Supports 32 and 64 bit operating systems.
  • High speed when loading sites
  • Shortcuts Software
  • Integration with Google Gears
  • Import settings from other browsers
  • Use simple and fast to render HTML WebKit engine
  • Multi-language support and easy to use browser
  • The timely updating of program components

Google Chrome
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